Monday 27 February 2012

Pre-studio task

I have never done any art related work, nor studied art in high school
However, my best interest is photography
Therefore one day at my home, playing cards and all in a sudden I felt like I should do something for fun
Then I decided to combine photography with things that we see daily
and HOPEFULLY it will turn out into something wonderful...
SO, there it is!!!

It is the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, located in Kanas City, Missouri
I read through a architectural text one day (at home again..) 
And while I was flipping to the intro of this building, I was amazed by this photo
It isn't fancy as maybe...BMW welt in Munich?
Its ordinariness at night, with the gentle warm lighting and projected light in the pool
stands in the night peacefully like the moon
and emphasising the majestically image of the art museum....

This is not taken by me, but its my target, to taken photo upon this level...
feel like people can reach to a mysterious country via this Golden Gate Bridge.
Just simply love it.

Louise Bourgeois: Equality, Reflect, Filthy

Ai Weiwei: Reality, Reveal, Frank

Stelarc: Explorer, Achieve, Stimulating